Controlled Atmosphere Multi-purpose Furnace Heat Treatment Line
The heat treatment line consists of the multi-purpose furnace, cleaning machine, high-temperature tempering furnace, low temperature tempering furnace, charge wagon, stock preparation lift platform, fixed stock preparation deck and furnace control system. The equipment can be arranged in any combination as required by the user. The heat treatment system can be arranged either in a straight line or in a 2-way mode according to user's site condition.

Controlled Atmosphere Multi-purpose Furnace Heat Treatment Line

Product general description
The heat treatment line consists of the multi-purpose furnace, cleaning machine, high-temperature tempering furnace, low temperature tempering furnace, charge wagon, stock preparation lift platform, fixed stock preparation deck and furnace control system. The equipment can be arranged in any combination as required by the user. The heat treatment system can be arranged either in a straight line or in a 2-way mode according to user's site condition.
The system is applicable for either mass or batch processing of various kinds of work pieces. It has a large scope of applicability and is particularly suitable for carburization, carbonitriding. recarburization, as well as oxygen-free heat hardening, normalization and annealing of complex parts under protective atmosphere.
Product structure and character
● Different kinds of series furnaces are available, with a maximum loading capability of 5 tons. The furnaces vary in types: single access gate or straight-through (selectable).
● The rear chamber is optimized with additional heat insulation layer made of nano-material for effective reduction of heat loss.
● Circulation of gas in furnace is effected by means of large - diameter circulating fan for ensuring the uniformity of temperatur e and atmosphere in furnace.
● Furnace can be Electric heated or gas heated(selectable).
● Various kinds of atmospheres can be used,viz: nitrogen, methanol+propane (acetone+natural gas) and propane (acetone) +air or RX gas when gas generator is used.
● The oil tank is largeinvolumeandisprovidedwithpowerful,frequency controlled mixer and special flow deflection mechanism. This permits an even cooling effect,reduced quenching-induced deformation of work-pieces and theformation of nonmartensitic surface.
● The washing machine is provided with mobile high - pressure nozzles to ensure its product surface is thoroughly cleaned with no point left uncleaned.
● Use is made of computer touch-screen control system. Two computers store each other's backup data. When one computer fails, the other can readily take its place for effectively avoiding break-down of equipment and damage of workpieces due to computer screen going blank.

Computer and control system

Product specifications

Nitriding Furnace
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